Facebook is one of the top social networking sites in United States. Many people join it for finding new friends, old childhood friends, business partners etc. After creating account in face book you may get friend request from people you don�t know. If you add them, later on after some chats you may think that certain person is not type of friend you are seeking. Now the question arises �how to delete this annoying person from my friend list?� There are two ways by which you can delete the unwanted friend from your face book friend list: Solution 1: 1. Go to person�s face book profile
2. On left hand side there is one link named �Remove from Friends�
3. Click on the link. You will get confirmation box 4. Click on �Remove from Friends� option on that confirmation box 5. You are done. The person is permanently removed from your friend list Solution 2: 1. Go to top of the page and look for �Friends� link which is just right to your profile page link 2. Click on �All Friends� option under Friends link 3. Look for the person you want to delete from your friend list 4. On the right side, click on delete option as shown in picture.
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