Hi friends as every blog uses contact page in there blog to allow readers to contact them for the queries and difficulties they face or wanting some help or wanna sponsor there site etc.Many use to write only there email id in contact page to contact them, but u need an form too to look more proffesional and make communication easy between you and your readers.As its now not difficult to add contact form to blogger as previously have to write codes for making form and then hosting it and all and then form get made.But now there are various sites started this service which give ready made forms to you.
What you have to do is just go to these sites, need to sign up there and get the codes for the form.After getting the codes just go to edit pages in your blog and make new page.There publish the codes to form and write also if you want to write something and publish it.Its very easy.
Services that provide you to use there contact forms for free.
1) Kontactr

Just go to this site.Sign up there,get the codes and add them to blogger pages and publish it to make an contact page.
2) Emailmeform

Just go there sign up and get the codes of form.As here you will get more features in form than other sites.As they also give option to every type of form and also an option for readers to upload some stuff to the form and send you.
3) FoxyForm

No need of sign up there just go to this site fill the details, customize the colors,give email and get codes.

This also the good service you can just try it also for sure.But gives 100 entries per month only to fill.
Other services available providing free form but me never tried are :-
What you have to do is just go to these sites, need to sign up there and get the codes for the form.After getting the codes just go to edit pages in your blog and make new page.There publish the codes to form and write also if you want to write something and publish it.Its very easy.
Services that provide you to use there contact forms for free.
1) Kontactr

Just go to this site.Sign up there,get the codes and add them to blogger pages and publish it to make an contact page.
2) Emailmeform

Just go there sign up and get the codes of form.As here you will get more features in form than other sites.As they also give option to every type of form and also an option for readers to upload some stuff to the form and send you.
3) FoxyForm

No need of sign up there just go to this site fill the details, customize the colors,give email and get codes.

This also the good service you can just try it also for sure.But gives 100 entries per month only to fill.
Other services available providing free form but me never tried are :-
Just from all the services above , select one you want to use.Sign up there and get the codes for the form.
Now just Go to blogger Posting > Edit Pages > New Page.
Give the title to page as contact and post the form codes in post and publish it.Your contact form is ready now to run.Enjoyyy !!!!!