Google Chrome is very good and Fast Web Browser.It is generally use up by large number of peoples for surfing the Web.Seeing that we thought why not make our web Experience smarter and easier on Google Chrome by using keyboard shortcuts.We collected some of the mostly use keyboard shortcut’s which will make your Web Surfing easier through Google chrome.Below are some of Keyboard Shortcut’s for Google chrome web Browser.
Key Board Shortcut’s
Ctrl+G — > Finds the next instance of your search term (Ctrl+F!) Ctrl+Shift+G finds the previous instance
Ctrl+U –> View the source of your current page
Ctrl+R –> The same as F5 (might be faster for some people to type)
Ctrl+1(2, 3, 4, etc) –> Switch to the tab designated by the number (from the left)
Ctrl+Shift+T –> Re-open the most recently closed tab
Alt+F or Alt+E –> Open the Wrench (Tools) menu (you can then use the arrow keys to navigate it…)
Ctrl+Shift+B –> Toggles the Bookmarks Bar on and off
Ctrl+D –> Bookmark your current Web page
Ctrl+Shift+D –> Bookmarks all of your open Web pages in one folder
Ctrl+J –> Opens the Downloads tab
Shift+Esc –> Opens the ‘Task Manager’, which you can use to close errant tabs/processes
Ctrl+Shift+J –> Opens the Chrome Developer Tools (which are surprisingly good!)
Ctrl+L –> Selects your current page’s URL (and puts the cursor in the address bar)
Ctrl+Backspace –> Deletes one word/phrase to the left of your cursor in the address bar
If we had forgotten any point than do tell us by commenting below.Enjoy Guys! �