If you enable Second Sign-in verification you have to enter a verification code (sent on your mobile) or Security answer after entering your password.
This addtional step is required only if your login from a new computer or mobile.
>>How to Protect Yahoo Account from Hackers
- Login in to your Yahoo Account.
- Now open your Account Information.
- In the Sign-In and Security section look for the Second Sign-In Verification and click on it.
- Check the box to turn on the Second Sign-In Verification feature
- Now a pop-up window will open, in this give your mobile number on which you want to receive verification codes and click on Receive SMS.
- You will receive Confirmation Code on your mobile, enter this code and click onVerify button.
After completion of verification process whenever you will login from a new computer ( like cybercafe) you will receive a confirmation code on your mobile and without it your account cannot be accessed.
Enjoy Guys! and don’t forget to post your comments. � MyTricksTime.com